Source code for parthsql.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sqlparse

from . import parthsql

DATABASE = parthsql.Database(name="Default Database", tables=[])

[docs]def usage(): """ How to use the commandline parser. """ return "parthsql "
[docs]def main(): """ The main loop for the commandline parser. """ DATABASE.load_contents() continue_flag = False while not continue_flag: # TODO Parse commands DATABASE.print_contents() command = raw_input(">>> ") for stmnt_unformated in sqlparse.parse(command): statement = sqlparse.parse( sqlparse.format( str( stmnt_unformated ), reindent=True ) )[0] type = statement.tokens[0] print statement.tokens if str(type).lower() == "drop": if str(statement.tokens[2]).lower() == "table": tablename = str(statement.tokens[4]) table = DATABASE.get_table(tablename) table.rows = [] table.store_contents() DATABASE.delete_table(tablename) DATABASE.store_contents() else: raise Exception( "Invalid Syntax of DROP TABLE t" ) elif str(type).lower() == "truncate": if str(statement.tokens[2]).lower() == "table": tablename = str(statement.tokens[4]) table = DATABASE.get_table(tablename) table.rows = [] table.store_contents() else: raise Exception( "Invalid Syntax of TRUNCATE TABLE t" ) elif str(type).lower() == "delete": if str(statement.tokens[2]).lower() == "from": tablename = str(statement.tokens[4]) table = DATABASE.get_table(tablename) whereclause = statement.tokens[6] if str(whereclause.tokens[0]).lower() == "where": comparison = whereclause.tokens[2] key = str(comparison.tokens[0]) value = int(str(comparison.tokens[4])) table.delete_row(key, value) table.store_contents() else: raise Exception( "Invalid Syntax of DELETE FROM t where k = v" ) else: raise Exception( "Invalid Syntax of DELETE FROM t WHERE k = v" ) elif str(type).lower() == "insert": if str(statement.tokens[2]).lower() == "into": tablename = str(statement.tokens[4]) table = DATABASE.get_table(tablename) if str(statement.tokens[6]).lower() == "values": parenthesis = statement.tokens[8] idlist = parenthesis.tokens[1] values_list = map( lambda x: int(str(x)), idlist.get_identifiers() ) table.put_row_raw(values_list) table.store_contents() else: raise Exception( "Invalid Syntax of INSERT INTO t VALUES (v,v,v...)" ) else: raise Exception( "Invalid Syntax of INSERT INTO t VALUES (v,v,v...)" ) elif str(type).lower() == "create": if str(statement.tokens[2]).lower() == "table": sublist = list(statement.tokens[4].get_sublists()) tablename = str(sublist[0]) garbage = str(sublist[1]) column_list = map( lambda x: x.strip(" ()",).split()[0], garbage.split(",") ) DATABASE.tables.append( parthsql.Table( name=tablename, columns=column_list[:], rows=[] ) ) DATABASE.store_contents()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()